Thank you again Umber,
because you, and other brave abuse victims, went before ARC.... it feels like a tsunami has began.... the wave starts way out at sea, and gathers force as it approaches the land.... it becomes powerful.
Power is what it will take to do anything to WTBS. Weakening it's ranks is what WT hates... piece by piece, isn't that how the Berlin wall was taken down? Elders, MS, wives, kids have all been affected and moved by what they saw and heard at the Royal Commission hearings.
Perhaps people did not really take the time to think about how much this effects a person, how it changes their lives. Thank you for being a part of the picture that makes things real, does not allow for 'excuses' to continue. Thank you for making people face the cruelty abusers and WT (like a cherry on top) makes you live with.
The cute phrases of "Jehovah will make things better" and "they won't remember it in the new order" or my most hated phrase, "we don't want to bring reproach on Jehovah's name or organization" are like cuts and swords to the heart of someone who has been abused.
Thank you, umbertoecho...... thank you all....